Monday, November 29, 2010

Better not to know! is it a truth now!

Is it what we feel often " Better not to know" or a different thought?

In the era of information technology, when the happening around the world is at your finger tips. Most of the time, especially in relationships, i feel blessed of not knowing things which other person speaks/ does in my absence.   

These information mostly makes us to have a biased view on the relationship and person.  We would have been definitely better both mentally and otherwise without having knowledge of these informations.  The situation would worsen when the other person does not know about the back-hide speeches. 

These situation has been very frequent, specifically it has almost a day to day affair, when people around wants to grow fastest.!

I was in a moment of shock for several times, hopefully i havent given this kind of shock to many! ( to my conscious, as i seldom like talking about others). These moment of shock would definitely make your opinion biased on these people.

I was astonished when someone mentioned that " nobody has achieved without indulging in these back-hiding talks!" (specially in corporate growth)

After all these, still having a greater belief in the relationship and the person requires a greater task of mind, not through heart, though! As hearts seldom accepts these people.

Now, i started thinking that iam blessed not to know these "back-hide" speeches either good or bad. Alteast, a person who shares relationship through heart and not through mind, would put your heart to a better rest!

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